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New OPP-ROOM® CO2 - Air Quality Sensor
The new OPP-ROOM® CO2, temperature and humidity transducers are used primarily in school and public buildings for demand-based control of the ventilation system.
In addition to the room temperature and relative humidity, the transmitters record the carbon dioxide content of the air in ppm (parts per million) and transmit these readings to a building automation system for controlling the ventilation system.
In addition, optionally, brightness and presence can also be detected. You can have as many as 5 metrics in one device.
The new generation of CO2 sensors is remarkably innovative. Unlike traditional methods, they make use of highly energy efficient LED technology in combination with a reference photodiode. A quantum leap with 50% less power consumption, even longer product life, faster response and better stability in harsh environments.
The new transducers are also available as a Modbus or BACnet version.
You can download more information here:
• Data sheet on CO2 air quality transmitter