SENSO now in on-wall housing
Our very latest novelty is an on-wall housing version for our SENSO differential pressure and volume flow transmitters, featuring an extra large, easy-to-read Display.
OPP-SOR® gas sensors for oxygen
Another addition to the Oppermann product portfolio, available as of December, are the GMF-MOD zirconium-based gas sensors for oxygen.
Oppermann recognized for excellence – twice!
With two awards in tow, the management of Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH returned from the awards ceremony “LüKK Trust Prize” on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the cci Dialog GmbH.
GWA Gas Detection System
Individual alarm for decentralized alert. An alarm only when it is necessary: With the updated software in the GWA M 3.6 this is now possible for the first time. This new feature is available as a standard item, at no extra charge, for all deliveries beginning in May 2017.
Underground garage monitor TGÜ-KM 3.6
Certified Safety. The Europe-wide standard DIN EN 50545-1:01.2017 is largely for electric devices which detect and measure toxic gases in underground garages, multi-storey car parks, and tunnels.