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Dear Readers, dear customers,
it’s that time of year again – Christmas is just around the corner, and we’d like to take this opportunity to look back together with you on what we have achieved this past year and to make plans for the year to come.
We hope you can find a few moments between the old and the new year to celebrate the holidays in peace. We wish you and your families a joyful, reflective and, above all, peaceful Christmas celebration and thank you for the trust you have placed in us in 2017.
Have a good read!
Your sincerely,
Ihre Heike Dirmeier, Brigitta Oppermann und Ihr Dierk Astfalk
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The new catalog price list for 2018 has arrived
… offering you 150 pages full of new, but also tried-and-true solutions and products from our sensors, gas detection systems and fire protection product areas.
Take a peek inside. You’ll find our new catalogue price list to download at www.oprg.de. You should have already received your personal copy. If not, please contact us at: info@oprg.de |
Farewell and Welcome
We are sad to see him go, but we are still happy to announce our long-standing sales manager Michael Bachmann’s well-deserved retirement. Michael Bachmann led our sales department for almost 15 years, and was helpful and competent with customers and all our sales employees.

We are placing our future business opportunities in trusted hands: Matthias Fricke will be taking over our external sales management and Niklas Hain our internal sales management, each with validity as of 01.01.2018.
Thank you, Michael Bachmann, from all of us at Oppermann!
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From left to right: Matthias Fricke, Michael Bachmann, Niklas Hain
Oppermann at FeuerTrutz 2018
Oppermann will again be presenting at Feuertrutz this coming year. From February 21 – 22, 2018 in Nürnberg, this is the fair to be at in the field of preventive fire protection. You will find us in Hall 10.1, booth 114.
We would be happy to send you a ticket for Feuertrutz as of January 2018. Please send your requests to info@oprg.de.
SENSO-X® – the new Generation
Coming in 2018: Be amazed at the new generation of SENSO-X®.
What’s the excitement about? 90% less parameterization time than in conventional differential pressure transmitters, and all that in a currentless transmitter! Impossible?
Wait and see ... we won’t say much quite yet. Except that we are the first to offer this in the field of sensors.

Donating instead of gift giving
This Christmas, as in years past, we honor a tradition dear to us and forego giving our customers presents.
Instead we are donating to causes such as the United Nations Children's Fund and the handball team of TSV Neuhausen.
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oprg.de www.oprg.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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