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Dear Readers, Dear Customers,
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We’re heading for a colorful fall, and not only outside in nature. In our fall newsletter we’re presenting you a bunch of interesting innovations that also add a little color to our product portfolio.
Wishing you a good read and a colorful fall,
yours sincerely,
Heike Dirmeier, Brigitta Oppermann and Dierk Astfalk

M12-BUS-SET – better plug in than wire up
Oppermann Regelgeräte is now offering its bus-capable OPP-SENS® transmitters optionally with the OPP-SENS® M12 BUS-SET. Transmitters thus equipped have an M12-BUS input connector and an M12 output coupling so that they can be quickly and easily linked together without worry about reverse polarity.
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“Connected to“ Siemens
To provide fully assembled solutions for linking our components to DDC products from other manufacturers simply, quickly and cost-efficiently: that is the idea behind the “Connected to” function modules.
We are now providing new function modules for linkage of any product from the Oppermann Modbus sensor range to Siemens products. You can download the function modules including documentation via this link:
Connected to
There you will also find information on all other available communication modules along with links for downloading.
No more faulty wiring thanks to Oppermann Safecabling®
In Oppermann Safecabling® Oppermann is for the first time offering a transmitter generation with full internal reverse polarity protection. All transmitters of the
OPP-SENS® series that bear the Oppermann Safecabling® logo will tolerate any kind of faulty wiring without damage.
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SENSO now in on-wall housing
Our very latest novelty is an on-wall housing version for our SENSO differential pressure and volume flow transmitters, featuring an extra large, easy-to-read display. SENSO transmitters in on-wall housings will be available as of the beginning of November.
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 OPP-SOR® gas sensors for oxygen
Another addition to the Oppermann product portfolio, available as of December, are the GMF-MOD zirconium-based gas sensors for oxygen.
For further information please contact us: info@oprg.de |

Oppermann at the Essener Brandschutztage (Essen Fire Protection Days)
At the two-day Essener Brandschutztage on November 14 and 15 all the talk will be about preventive and defensive fire protection. Oppermann will be presenting at the accompanying exhibition and is sure to attract great interest among firefighters, fire safety engineers, insurers and building operators with its bus-capable duct smoke detector.
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oprg.de www.oprg.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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