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Dear Readers, Dear Customers,
Summer has ended, the days grow shorter, autumn is knocking on our doors, and gradually the year 2016 enters the home stretch. That means it’s time to inform you via this newsletter about what has been happening this year at the House of Oppermann, and about what is yet to come. One of the year’s high points is approaching: our trade fair appearance at the Chillventa in Nürnberg -- and you can attend as well!
In this newsletter we’ll also tell you about our duct smoke detector KRM® and its DIBt approval, and about our room sensor program OPP-ROOM®.
We hope you enjoy the newsletter ...
Best Wishes from Heike Dirmeier, Brigitta Oppermann and Dierk Astfalk
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Oppermann at the Chillventa Trade Fair
We would be delighted to have the pleasure of greeting you at our trade fair stand at the Chillventa in Nürnberg from October 11 to 13. We will focus there on informing you about our OPP-SOR® gas detection system for refrigerant monitoring, the accompanying OPP-SOR® gas measurement sensor, and the latest trends in the area of local alarms as represented by our dual-beam infrared gas measurement sensor.
You can find information about our CO and gas detection systems in our OPP-SOR® flyer.
We will be glad to send you, upon request, a free ticket to the trade fair.
Please contact us at: info@oppermann-regelgeraete.de
Duct Smoke Detector KRM® - expanded and extended DIBt approval for smoke trigger device
In many discussions the subject comes up: the ECOJ decision and CE marking. Currently, many substantial changes are in the works which relate to this subject in the area of building law. Unfortunately, mistakes in interpretation continue to circulate.
The fact is that wherever harmonized product standards exist and the transition period has elapsed, no supplementary national requirements regarding a construction product can be issued. This also means, however, that in a place where no harmonized standard exists, or where a product does not even fall under a harmonized European standard, a product’s fitness for use must be otherwise demonstrated. Here, the current appropriate and legally secure evidence of fitness for use is still the general-type approval of the building supervisory authorities. In the case of our duct smoke detector KRM in the DZ version as a smoke trigger device, this approval has now been extended to 2021 and expanded to new models.
You can find additional information about this in our catalogue at page 4.6.
Approved until 2021 as a smoke trigger device: the Duct Smoke Detector KRM®.

Attractive in price and design: Oppermann Room Controller C1
| OPP-ROOM® - BACnet MS/TP-Room Controller C1
Are you familiar with our OPP-ROOM® Room Sensor program? If not, then click here: Flyer OPP-ROOM®
The special highlight is the Room Controller C1 at its extremely attractive price, especially in the BACnet MS/TP-Version.
This way to the price list: Catalogue page 2.32.
Additional information on the C1 can be found in the Datasheet 20530
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oppermann-regelgeraete.de www.oppermann-regelgeraete.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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