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Dear readers, dear customers,
It will not be long until ISH, the world's largest trade fair for innovative and energy-efficient heating and air-conditioning technology, will open its gates.
We invite you to learn about our latest products and solutions. More details in this newsletter.
We hope you enjoy the read!
Your Heike Dirmeier, Brigitta Oppermann and Dierk Astfalk
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ISH 2015 end-to-end system solutions for your applications
Experience our product innovations in the fields of sensor technology, gas alarm systems, and fire protection from 10th to 14th March live at ISH in Frankfurt.
Get a first-hand impression of our products and solutions at our main booth – or as part of our joint exhibit at the BACnet booth.
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Are you still looking for a ticket to ISH?
Your contacts at ISH: | Name | Tue 10.03. | Wed 11.03. | Thu 12.03. | Fri 13.03. | Sat 14.03. |
| AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | AM | PM | Heike Dirmeier | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Dierk Astfalk | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Michael Bachmann | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | Arne Blechschmidt | x | | x | x | x | x | x | x | | | Matthias Fricke | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | x | Rainer Noack | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | | | Frank Schipper | x | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x | x | Frank Schmid | x | x | x | x | x | x | | x | x | | Hans-Werner Zeier | x | x | | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |

This year's highlight at our trade fair booth is OPP-ROOM®, our new product range of room sensors for temperature and humidity.
This innovative product line of sensors replaces the previous range and fully complements it with BACnet and Modbus versions.
We also present innovations in the field of OPP-SENS®
Here, we have integrated the topics of differential pressure and volume flow measurement for air, and complemented the portfolio with I/O modules.
More information for the OPP-SENS® product range |
We also present the optimized duct smoke detector KRM® with the universal length of 0.16 m. In the spirit of the motto "one for all applications",
KRM® can be installed into almost any ventilation duct cross-section without shortening the sampling tube.
Together with the new Flap Module KM 1.2 we now offer the KRM® duct smoke detector product range, which is the optimal smoke release equipment to meet all your needs.
Duct smoke detector KRM®
Specification sheet - Flap Module KM 1.2
As you can see, it is particularly worthwhile to visit us at ISH.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
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Short catalogue 2015 - more than 130 pages of innovations
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More than 130 pages full of innovative products from the sensor technology, gas alarm systems, and fire protections fields are waiting for you.
As of now, the new short catalogue/price list with more than 200 new articles is available for download.
Short catalogue 2015 (german version)
Would you like to receive the hardcopy version of the short catalogue? No problem. Contact us, we will then gladly send you your personal copy.
Would you like more information about our products and solutions? Our field representatives will gladly support you.
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oppermann-regelgeraete.de www.oppermann-regelgeraete.de
Responsible according to the German press law: Heike Dirmeier, Managing Director Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editor: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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