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Dear readers and customers,
the season has come around again: the festive days and the turn of the year are approaching. Time to sit back in quiet comfort and review the year now almost gone by. But it‘s also the time for making resolutions and plans for the new year. One firm resolution we have made is to remain your reliable business partner and competent go-to for all things building technology.
In this spirit we wish you a joyful, reflective and, above all, peaceful Christmas celebration and thank you for the trust you have placed in us in 2018.
Have a good read!
Your sincerely,
Heike Dirmeier and Brigitta Oppermann
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Instead of a Christmas card we have prepared a small surprise for our customers, business partners and other regular newsletter readers.
But have a look yourself: click here and let yourself be surprised.

Our new 2019 catalog price list is there
… presenting to you, on more than 150 pages, our latest developments in the areas of sensors, gas warning systems and fire protection as well as tried-and-true products and solutions from our various product groups.
The new catalog price list is valid from January 2019. But of course it’s always worth taking a peek beforehand after downloading our catalog at www.oprg.de. Your personal hardcopy should have been delivered to you by now. If it hasn’t, drop us a note by email to info@oprg.de, and we’ll have it sent to you right away.
Oppermann at FeuerTrutz 2019

Oppermann Regelgeräte will again be presenting at Feuertrutz this coming year. From February 20 – 21, 2019 in Nürnberg, this international specialist exhibition and congress is the fair to be at in the field of preventive fire protection.
We would be happy to send you a free admission ticket for FeuerTrutz as of January 2019.
Please send your requests to info@oprg.de.
You will find us at the Nürnberg exhibition center in Hall 10.0, booth 100.

Donating instead of gift giving
This Christmas, as in years past, we honor a tradition dear to us and forego giving our customers presents.
Instead we are donating to the inpatient hospice association Stationäre Hospiz Region Nagold e.V. and the handball team of TSV Neuhausen.
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oprg.de www.oprg.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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