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Dear Readers and Customers,
In the meantime, this year of 2020, a year that none of us will forget too soon, is already half over. Normally we would have used this newsletter to report to you on our successful trade fair appearances and look forward with you to the vacation season and summer leisure time.
But this year everything is different. Many trade fairs have been cancelled altogether or postponed, and we miss the direct contact with you, our customers. Nevertheless, we look to the future with confidence, searching as we do for new ways and solutions to how we can always be at your service even in times of social distancing. Some of these you will find presented in this newsletter.
Have a good read!
Yours, Heike Dirmeier and Brigitta Oppermann
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Connecting with our customers digitally
If our field service is unable to visit you personally due to the pandemic, we’ll come and see you digitally instead. With our new communication software we can hold web conferences with our customers, give digital product presentations and provide consultancy by video conference no matter what the location. You can also always reach your personal service representative on their usual phone number, even when they’re working from home.
While working from a safe distance, we’re still always there for you, especially in difficult times such as these. We’re using innovative solutions to offer you our support. Please do not hesitate to turn to your contact at Oppermann if you would like us to visit you digitally.
New dates
Corona has also upset this year‘s trade fair calendar quite a bit. Many trade fairs have been postponed, others have even been cancelled altogether, and some are still awaiting a decision. There have also been changes to some of Oppermann’s trade fair dates. Here’s an update on when we are to be found where:
Event | New Date | IK Bau Fire Protection Congress, Düsseldorf | postponed until: November 11, 2020, 09.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | Feuertrutz 2020, Nürnberg | postponed until: September 30 – October 1, 2020 | Light + Building, Frankfurt | cancelled, postponed until 2022 | tab Fachforum Brandschutz Berlin Hamburg Solingen Heilbronn | Oktober 29, 2020 November 3, 2020 November 5, 2020 November 10, 2020 | Chillventa | cancelled, postponed until 2022 | GET NORD 2020 | November 19 – 21, 2020 |
Training on gas warning systems
As of now, in addition to its tried and well-attended fire protection trainings, Oppermann is also offering trainings on CO and gas warning systems. These training events primarily address planners and executing companies. You will find detailed information along with a registration form in our flyer, which you can download here.
Our virtual trade fair booth
As already mentioned above, many trade fairs haven been postponed and some even cancelled altogether. So that you can nonetheless inform yourself at any time about the products and solutions of Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH, and also to preserve at least a bit of that trade fair feeling, we have set up a virtual trade fair booth which we invite you to look around at your leisure.
LUEKK Trust Award 2020
We wish to thank all of those who recommended us for the LUEKK Trust Award 2020. Unfortunately we didn’t quite reach the ratings required for a nomination this year. We extend our sincere congratulations to all of this year’s winners!
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oprg.de www.oprg.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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