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Dear readers and customers,
Summer 2019 is behind us, the time of mild summer evenings is gone, and the colorful season has arrived. Also the autumn has its beautiful sides – be sure to enjoy it. But as you do, don’t forget to take a peek at our Autumn Newsletter and find out what is new at Oppermann.
We were on tour again with the tab Fire Protection Forum, we’re giving you a short intro to our innovative underground garage monitoring system, and we’re telling you about how we and our employees are also actively committed to climate protection.
Enjoy reading,
Yours, Heike Dirmeier and Brigitta Oppermann
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Safe and efficient underground garage monitoring
Our TGÜ-BM 3.6 underground garage monitoring system is a bus-capable measurement and control system for monitoring air quality in underground garages and other enclosed spaces in which combustion engine vehicles are operated. It can be equipped with up to 240 sensors divided into up to 4 zones for different gases. With its integrated timed switching function and optional humidity monitoring for prevention of moisture damage the TGÜ-BM 3.6 offers unrivalled efficiency in monitoring underground garages for CO and NO2 and enabling cyclic ventilation.
Oppermann goes bicycle in active support of climate protection
Our employees get around by bicycle and we participate in the leasing rates. Since the beginning of June 2019 Oppermann Regelgeräte has been providing its employees with business bicycles through the JobRad® initiative. Needless to say, they can use their bicycles for things other than just cycling to and from work. That’s good for the environment, keeps our employees in good shape, and helps saving taxes. The service is being well received: 23 of our employees have already had an e-bike or bicycle delivered to them, and another three are waiting for theirs. And that’s just the start of it ...
tab Fire Protection Forum
Four cities, four days, and a wealth of information around the topic of fire protection: This year again, Oppermann Regelgeräte was among the contributors to the tab Fachforum Brandschutz (tab Fire Protection Forum) of the Bauverlag publishing company. The tab Fachforum Brandschutz is the ideal platform to swap information on all aspects of fire protection. And we made intensive use of this opportunity at the event’s venues in Schwerte, Leipzig, Würzburg and Wolfsburg.
Oppermann Regelgeräte GmbH
Im Spitzhau 1
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 72723560
Fax +49 711 7280527
info@oprg.de www.oprg.de
Responsible: Heike Dirmeier, Management Oppermann Regelgeräte
Editorial: TEMA Technologie Marketing AG
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